Online Program with Dr. Doni


Heal Your Leaky Gut Naturally
with DR. DONI

+ bonuses!




Heal Your Leaky Gut Naturally
with DR. DONI

+ Bonuses!



What is LEAKY GUT?

Leaky gut (also known as intestinal permeability) occurs when the cells lining the small intestine become unhealthy. In an optimal state, only nutrients and water are allowed through the intestinal lining. But with leaky gut, undigested food, bacteria and other substances leak through the intestinal lining into the underlying tissue.

Leaky Gut is Real, and It Can Heal

This program is for you if have any of the following…

Allergies, Asthma

Weight Gain

Autoimmune Disease

Eczema, Acne, Rashes

HPV & Abnormal PAP Results

IBS, Bloating, Reflux

Fertility Issues


Anxiety, Depression, Migraines, Brain Fog, Fatigue

Heal Your Leaky Gut Naturally
with Dr. Doni

You'll Receive...

4 Video Modules

21-Day Elimination Diet meal plan

Daily Tips and Articles

Online Portal Access: Videos, Handouts + Resources

Private App for Q & A

10% off Supplements at*
*for 1 month (or 3 transactions)

Access to order IgA and IgG food sensitivity panel approved by Dr. Doni


Grocery shopping tutorial with Dr. Doni

Protein shake training and recipes

Special event with Dr. Doni:
Understanding how to optimize your gut bacteria

Dr. Doni Interviews 2 Microbiome Experts


What People Are Saying...

"Based on the food sensitivity test you recommended, I cut out dairy, gluten, eggs, and the eczema has improved already! It’s great to see almost immediate results. Doing the food panel really gave me the clarity I needed to make diet changes that are already making a difference". - K.H.

"I always wondered if I had leaky gut, and now I know that I do. Plus you've taught me what to do to address it. I loved getting all your emails and it was all such helpful information. Thank you SO much!" - J.R.

"I have been to everyone, and I’ve not had this turn around until now with your help. This is unheard of that you’ve been able to help me so quickly". - K.S.

"I want to thank YOU Dr. Doni! Your leaky gut program is truly wonderful! I learned so much! And I'm overjoyed to have these food results". - A.F.

Online Sessions


  • Understanding leaky gut, how best to test for it.
  • What is an elimination diet, how to follow an elimination diet.
  • How to do the food sensitivity panel Dr. Doni recommends.
  • The importance of avoiding what causes leaky gut and the paradox of leaky gut.
  • A review of the 21-Day Elimination Diet meal plan.


  • How to heal leaky gut according to Dr. Doni’s protocol: after years of trying every product in every combination, Dr. Doni has identified the optimal ingredients, doses and sequence of using them to heal leaky gut.
  • How to introduce and use supplements effectively while avoiding the paradox of leaky gut.
  • Dr. Doni will also discuss the microbiome, how to know whether your gut bacteria are out of balance, and how to get them back on track.
  • She’ll also explain why she DOESN’T recommend fermented foods when you have leaky gut.


  • Dr. Doni will review the results of the food sensitivity panel she recommends, helping you to know how to interpret your results, and how to know which foods to avoid and for how long.
  • Dr. Doni will help you to understand the difference between IgA and IgG food allergens, how to know whether you have mild, moderate or severe leaky gut.
  • How to modify your diet to ensure that you get enough calories while optimizing the healing of your gut.


  • Maintenance and what’s next: For Dr. Doni, it’s not just about healing leaky gut. That’s of course a priority, but she wants to help you maintain over time and not just fall right back into the same leaky gut situation again.
  • What do you need to do to maintain a healthy gut lining, which foods can you reintroduce and when.
  • How to know whether you are reacting to a food.
  • Which supplements do you continue to take long term.

PLUS... You'll receive these BONUSES!

> Grocery shopping tutorial with Dr. Doni
> Protein shake recipes
> Special Event: Understanding how to optimize your gut bacteria
> Dr. Doni Interviews 2 Microbiome Experts

Program + Food Panel Option

If you're purchasing the program + food panel for $747, IgA and IgG food sensitivity panel is approved by Dr. Doni for over 15 years for identifying your food sensitivities and the severity of leaky gut. It's a finger poke test that you do at home and mail into the lab. It is a private lab that runs your results and sends them to Dr. Doni's office and then we send them to you. The results take about 3 weeks to come back. You'll receive a full report of your results. The test will evaluate 96 different foods including gluten, dairy, eggs, fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains and more.

Heal Your Leaky Gut Naturally
with Dr. Doni

+ Bonuses!

Start Now!


  • 4 Video Modules
  • 21-Day Elimination Diet meal plan
  • Daily Tips and Articles
  • Online Portal Access: Videos, Handouts + Resources
  • Private App for Q & A
  • 10% off Supplements at for 1 month (or 3 transactions)
  • Access to order IgA and IgG food sensitivity panel approved by Dr. Doni


  • Grocery shopping tutorial with Dr. Doni
  • Protein shake training and recipes
  • Special Event with Dr. Doni: Understanding how to optimize your gut bacteria
  • Dr. Doni Interviews 2 Microbiome Experts

Leaky Gut Program

Leaky Gut Program + Food Panel


What People Are Saying...

"After 3 weeks following your suggestions and making diet changes you told me to make, I'm 95% better! The heartburn is gone (unless I eat foods that aggravate it), the enzymes are working, the bloating and digestive issues have resolved, the rash has dissipated, and my mental focus is improved. I'm so grateful to you. And now, I'm learning that what I thought was just a digestive issue is related to a much bigger picture of how stress affects my health". - D.P.

"I reached out to Dr. Doni at the peak of my career because I was experiencing weight gain, anxiety, extremely low energy levels and joint pain. Now I have no pain, better energy, no anxiety and I'm losing weight easily. I’m so grateful I was referred to Dr. Doni because I feel so much better. She also helped me recover from surgery – using the products she recommended, I’ve not needed to take Tylenol and my surgeon is impressed with how quickly I healed". - L.R.

"I had SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and was recommended to work with Dr. Doni because she has helped so many people without using antibiotics. I heard that antibiotics were not very effective, and my body is sensitive, so I wanted to have help using diet changes and herbs. Here I am now happy to report that the SIBO is gone, and I feel so much better. Not only did Dr. Doni help me with diet changes and supplements, but she has also taught me how to heal leaky gut and how to recover from other sinus infections with natural approaches too. I’m so glad I chose to work with Dr. Doni and I'm thankful that she was able to help me get back on track with my health". - H.M.

"Since infancy, I have suffered from moderate to severe eczema. Over the years, outbreaks spanned from a couple of dry patches to full blown body takeovers. I visited countless doctors and always found myself leaving with the newest steroid ointment or cream on the market. The steroids did in fact work, but they were only a quick fix and never provided any long-lasting results – I always knew a future outbreak was inevitable. It wasn’t until 97% of my body was covered in eczema that I decided to look for alternative options and approaches.

This is when I found Dr. Doni. The wonderful, loving, brilliant Dr. Doni Wilson. To say she saved my life is an understatement. Her holistic/naturopathic approach and thorough investigation of the underlying causes of my eczema completely changed everything – the way I understand the importance of gut health, my own food and environmental triggers, and which daily supplements help keep me and my body in tip top shape. If you suffer from chronic skin inflammation and are looking for a permanent solution, look no further than Dr. Doni!" - C.G. 


Listen - I know what it’s like to suffer in silence. To know there’s an issue in your body, but have no idea what to do about it. It’s a terrible feeling.

I also know that I’m not the first person to talk about a solution.

I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve tried other programs - courses - cleanses - you name it… only for them to fall far short of their promises. That might be giving you pause.

If so, I understand completely.

I’m so confident in this program - and so certain it can help return you to the best health of your life - I’d hate for skepticism to keep you from trying it. 


If you decide that the Heal Your Leaky Gut Program isn't for you, no worries. Dive in to the first module and if by the next Monday you decide that it's not for you, simply email to request a refund. We offer this refund policy because it's fair and simple to understand. We are committed to your success.

You have no reason to hesitate or miss out on your health transformation!